1. Briefing

Your tandem instructor discusses with you the complete Tandem Skydive, you will learn everything important that you need to know. You get from us a quick demonstration of exit, free-fall, and landing position and you're set to go.
2. Climb to altitude

Our airplane brings us in approx. 15-20 minutes to an altitude of 4,000m. During the climb you have time to enjoy the view over the region. We will make the final preparations and once again talk you through whole tandem skydive.
3. Jump

4,000m means "Exit"! At the "jump altitude" you move together with your tandem instructor to the door, Ready, Set, Go!!!
4. Freefall

Now it's about a minute towards the earth with a freefall speed of 200km/h, extreme action, adrenaline and fun!
5. Parachute Opening

At about 1,700m above the ground your tandem instructor will open the parachute.
6. Canopy flight

Now you have 5-8 minutes to enjoy the view, flying the canopy.
7. Landing

Safely and gently, we will land in the drop zone.